USEFUL ADVISE and appropriate LIFE-STYLE practices to boost fertility; like
the avoidance of excessive usage of….
1. Alcohol in both females and males. Not more than 1 – 2units/week and 2 – 4 units/week are recommended for both females and males, respectively.
2. It is recommended that couples should keep away from smoking (which have detrimental fertility effects.
3. Limited Coffee, Tea, Cola and Chocolate consumption.
4. Maintenance of normal body weight, and avoidance ex…cessively low body weight & obesity (normal range of BMI 19 – 30 should be maintained)
5. NO tight underwear or pants for men
6. Avoidance of testicular exposure to heat especially in such occupations involving prolonged bicycle\motorcycle rides, long distance lorry drivers and bakers.
7. Avoid unnecessary exposures to X-rays, heavy metals and pesticides.
8. Avoid DRUGS with adverse consequences on fertility especially over-the-counter and recreational drugs like cannabis, heroin and cocaine.
9. Engage in sensible use of VITAMINS & MINERALS – A, B, C, D, E, Zinc, Selenium, Folic acid.
10. Endeavour to eat Balanced DIET & Fruits
11. Engage in moderate physical exercise to keep your BMI within the normal range at around 19 to 25kg/metre square.